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5 Things You Can Learn About Your Campaign In Real Time

Voter Gravity can do many things to help improve your understanding of what’s happening on your campaign at any given time. Here are a few of the things that you can watch in real time as the results come in from the field:

1: Doors Knocked

You can watch the number of doors that your ground game is knocking, as they come in. This allows you to keep track of how productive your volunteers are being and if they are moving faster or slower than anticipated. It can also help you know whether you will need to make more walklists for your volunteers without requiring them to contact you.

2: Supporters

This allows you to view exactly where you are in relationship to your overall campaign goal at any given time. It also gives you your conversion rate, enabling you to set accurate goals.

3: Surveys Completed

This is important. Not only does this inform you as to the general effectiveness of your volunteers and the reach of your survey, but it also indicates how many data points had been collected allowing for targeted messaging campaigns.

4: Survey Snapshot

This is a pie graph that shows you in real time the basic results of the main question to the survey of your choice. You can know at a glance which issues are most important to voters for example, by simply looking at you dashboard. This is an easy way to keep a hand on the main data points your campaign is focusing on.

5: Track Your Top Volunteers

Finally, you can follow your top volunteers as they work. Look at all the stats available on the dashboard for each individual volunteer and see who is being more effective. Then find out why. This feature also allows you to see if a particular area in your precinct is being particularly responsive on a particular day, giving you the option to redeploy volunteers there to capitalize on that.